Tiger Woods Is Skilled At Spearfishing

Golf is the sport of the rich because it costs a lot to be good at but it does not require much effort. It does, however, require careful planning and calculated moves. This is the exact opposite of spearfishing, a sport that can get nasty and messy. But Tiger apparently likes spearfishing. He has kept this a secret, but when he did not appear during the 2002 Western Open, reports suggested that he was not really sick, but that he was actually spearfishing.

When Tiger Woods celebrated his 42nd birthday, he posted photos on social platforms, which showed that he had harvested two big fish during this spearfishing trip. Spearfishing requires a lot of training because a speargun is not a weapon one can master quickly. A certain degree of care must also be exercised because it takes skill to maneuver underwater while hunting for non-endangered fish.
